2024_04 PTP2024_04 PTP

We are hosting the Pathway to Preventing Child Trafficking course in-person on Saturday April 20th, from 9am - 4pm at our ZOE Office in Clayton and would like to invite you to attend.

This course will empower you to competently, holistically and passionately act against the injustice of child trafficking through ZOE’s mission and culture of bringing LIFE! Due to some of the themes covered, parental guidance is recommended.

If you are interested in learning more about child trafficking and prefer the idea of participating in the course as part of a group, we invite you complete the registration form to secure your spot.

The course will be led by some members of our ZOE Australia team who will guide you through the material and facilitate group discussions. The cost of the one-day course is $20 and morning tea and lunch will be provided to all participants.

We thank you in advance for partnering with us to act against child trafficking in our nation and beyond.

Complete the form to enroll in this one-day course.

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