
Imagine a world where every child is free from exploitation – we believe it begins with both knowledge, and collective action.

Becoming a Course Champion is simple: gather a group of 8 or more individuals and we'll come to you for a dedicated one-day "Pathway to Preventing Child Trafficking" in-person course, which offers a deep understanding of the complexities involved in ending child trafficking.

Led by our experienced ZOE Australia team members, this in-person course aims to empower you with knowledge and foster meaningful discussions. Though the course typically costs $20 per person, our goal is to offer it free of charge. However, if there are travel expenses involved, we kindly request your group's assistance in covering these costs.

Register now and begin rallying your friends, family, colleagues, and community members to participate in this important initiative.

Complete the form to register your group or express your interest and we will get in touch with you promptly.