June 13, 2012 · Comments Off on Field workers

Field workers

Lack of capacity in developing countries is a major constraint to sustainable and self-generating performance improvement, poverty reduction and overall development. ZFA seeks to foster development through sharing skills and building local capacity. One way we do this is through the contributions made by our in-country volunteer field workers.

Our in-country field workers volunteer their time to deploy and train, equip and empower local Thai communities and ZOE staff in best practice prevention, awareness, rescue and rehabilitation practices to combat child trafficking as well as business and leadership skills mentoring and training for long-term economic sustainability. Our in-country field workers are well placed to develop local capacity because they live within local communities and under local conditions. They develop a strong understanding of local and cultural issues and build effective professional and personal relationships that help them to share skills and knowledge.

We greatly value the contribution made by our in-country field workers. All ZFA field workers are volunteers and do not earn a salary from the Foundation. In an effort to remain available in the communities that they are working in, ZFA’s field workers rely on support from donations to meet their needs and fund their work.

David Cross

David is Co-Founder of ZOE Foundation Australia and Manager of Child Protection and Communications at ZOE Children’s Homes in Thailand.

David is so passionate about the rescue and long-term well being of children, he and his wife Andrea along with their children, moved to Thailand in 2010 to become field workers with ZOE International Foundation on a volunteer basis.

Managing Child Protection, David works to ensure that all the children at ZOE are continually looked after and protected in the best possible way. He trains staff, volunteers, visitors and the children, on an ongoing basis, about relevant safety and protection issues.

David also manages the child sponsorship program in Thailand. He ensures that the ZOE children’s development and achievements are effectively communicated with their sponsors in a non-intrusive manner.

He also oversees the implementation of projects and programs funded by ZOE Foundation Australia to assist in the task of combatting human trafficking.

Prior to joining ZOE, David owned and managed a business in Melbourne, Australia.

For 16 years, he used his position in business to practically and financially support Australian children, through specialised children’s camps and foster care. He was also a volunteer foster care parent for children in need of respite, emergency care and short-term placements.

David graduated with a Commerce degree with majors in Management and Marketing at Deakin University.

Andrea Cross

Andrea has been contributing to the development of children for 20 years.

In her teenage years she was a leader in the children’s ministry department at her church and has since gone on to work in full time, part time and volunteer positions in a variety of areas. Her experience comes from not only her years teaching in a primary school classroom setting but includes her many years leading on children’s camps, coordinating after school care programs, working in holiday programs, leading games for Life Be In It and participating in beach missions.

After completing a certificate in Sports and Recreation at Swinburne University, Andrea completed a double degree in Arts (Indonesian) and Education (Teaching) at Deakin University.

Andrea worked as a teacher at Mentone Girl’s Grammar School and Flinders Community Christian College, where she was involved in both classroom teaching and curriculum development. In this time, she received a scholarship to travel to Japan in order to develop a unit of work in the area of SOSE (Studies of Society and Environment). Later on this became a published work.

In 2004 Andrea began helping disadvantaged children through OZ Child Family Services as a foster care parent. She later trained and worked as a volunteer buddy to assist and support new volunteer parents in their role.

Since becoming a mum herself, Andrea developed a heart for helping other mothers. In 2007 she founded a mother’s support group for women in her local community. Discovering a love of writing, she began generating parenting newsletters and created an informative blog to inspire those around her. Her blog continues to encourage mums from around the world by offering hope, information and creative ideas.

Through the years, Andrea’s compassion towards both hurting children and parent’s needs has continued to increase. She believes undoubtedly that God has called her to minister at ZOE and be an encouragement in the lives of the ZOE families.

Whilst she still views her biggest and most important role as being ‘wife’ and ‘mother’ in her own family, she is committed to being a positive influence, role model and hope in the lives of others, through displaying God’s promises of a life of joy and peace.


Capacity building is the process of developing competencies and capabilities at the individual, organisation or country level, in ways that will lead to sustained and self-generating performance improvement. It involves a long-term investment and commitment.”
