All Posts in Restoration

November 1, 2020 - No Comments!

Recreation: It’s Not Just Swimming

Over in ZOE Thailand, where the weather is usually hot, what's better than jumping into a cold swimming pool on a sweltering summer’s day?  Being able to swim!

By knowing how to swim, it means that the children at ZOE Thailand can enjoy the wonderful sensation of being in the pool – in a safe and pleasurable way. The sensory experience of being in water is both relaxing and enjoyable.

Research says that there are huge physical benefits to swimming. Learning to swim is both a full-body cardiovascular and respiratory workout! At ZOE we love to see the children’s stamina, flexibility and muscle strength develop.

There are many other advantages to knowing how to swim, such as building concentration, becoming physically stronger and developing coordination. It also encourages an active and healthy lifestyle.

At ZOE we never underestimate the social aspect of swimming either. Playing together in the water helps to form bonds based on trust and fun. For children recently rescued from negative situations, socialization skills can be enhanced through various water games and activities.

During swimming lessons, children take pride in each individual achievement and work towards achieving new goals.  As their abilities and confidence increase, children are able to overcome fear and celebrate their successes with their friends, family and their swimming teacher!

At ZOE, it’s not JUST swimming!

October 25, 2020 - No Comments!

Recreation: Dance

For some of the children in Thailand, dancing is one of their favourite ways to pass the time.  And dance has many proven benefits: It can help you to express your emotions, relieve stress, increase physical fitness, improve confidence and self-esteem, and encourage creativity and imagination.

One of the positive outcomes of the recent COVID lockdown was a newfound collaboration with Prisma Dance.

Nicole Lam, Prisma’s founder and director, volunteered to create a special dance just for our ZOE girls.  She made detailed videos to teach the girls and the girls practiced diligently on Saturday mornings to perfect their art.  The dance was choreographed to a song called, Note to God.  This song is an emotional prayer, a letter to God to mend the world of all the bitterness and hate.  It talks about finding love, granting faith and giving hope, even when it seems like all hope is gone.

Our 7-member dance team shared their powerful performance with the whole ZOE family recently.  It was not only a chance to express their emotions but the girls also received encouragement from their family as they worshiped God in a unique way.

Author – Cissy Boyer

October 2, 2020 - No Comments!

What does ZOE mean?

Most people who know about ZOE are aware of the trafficking side of our work.

But have you ever wondered why a name that means ‘life’ was selected?

Did you know that the Greek word for ‘life’ is ZOE? It’s no coincidence that founders Michael and Carol Hart chose the name with this in mind when they began fighting child trafficking back in 2002.

The Vision of ZOE is that every person we reach and every child we rescue would experience God’s LIFE for them.

In the Bible, the word zoe ζωή refers to eternal life with God but in fact, it changes our earthly lives in every good way too, and is offered free for all who believe and accept Jesus.

As a Christian organization, we want the whole world to have the opportunity to have this kind of abundant LIFE with God.

So how do we actually bring this ‘zoe-life’ to the world?

We reach people who do not yet know about God’s love.

Oftentimes this looks like bringing practical help, meeting physical needs and sharing God’s love with people in vulnerable and challenging situations.

But we also help rescue children who are orphaned, trafficked, or abandoned. (ZOE works alongside law enforcement and government and non-government agencies to rescue children).

We fight child trafficking through prevention, rescue and restoration.

When we see freedom and healing, it brings us so much joy of course, but when we see people choose to receive God’s ‘zoe-life’, we know that they will experience freedom and life forever!

At ZOE, we are on a mission to show people God’s love, and have them experience His LIFE, for themselves.