April 9, 2020 - No Comments!

What Now?

We are all ‘wired’ with such incredible diversity. Are you creative, analytical, relational, thoughtful, insightful, compassionate?

We are all amazingly different. We come from different cultures, families, backgrounds, work contexts and have varying qualifications, and experiences.  

Whilst we all possess a range of viewpoints, skills and relational networks, the question is, how can we share our passion to end child trafficking and work with each other for a common goal? 

Think about this:-

Q: How can you use the way you are ‘wired’ and gifted to prevent children from being trafficked?

Sabina Nawaz writes in the Harvard Business Review, We’re programmed to “go big or go home,” but big goals are more burdensome than they are motivational; they require daunting effort to accomplish and sustain. Instead, the way to achieve big is to start small — through micro habits. Micro habits are small components of a larger habit. By breaking down an ambitious job into smaller, more achievable ones that you build over long periods of time, micro habits help you complete big goals.To succeed with micro habits, you must be deliberate and choreograph steps to sustain them. First, identify a “ridiculously small” micro habit, and piggyback on a daily task, so it becomes part of your regular routine. Next, track your progress and hold steady for a long time before building on the habit. Finally, find others to hold you accountable and keep you motivated. 

We want to help you succeed. For the kids who are trapped in slavery - they need you to succeed. Listed below are some of the ways that you can engage… BUT remember to make a plan that includes breaking down your goal into smaller, achievable tasks first.  

Host an Influencing Event

Are you social?  Do you love parties? How about you gathering some friends for a unique purpose? To share what you’ve learned about child trafficking, ZOE and how it’s touched your heart. 

What you could do:

    • Do a 5 to 10 minute talk about child trafficking.
    • Share your experience of discovery.

What ZOE could help you with:


Teachers can help to bring long-term change that we believe will impact ending child trafficking.

We are here to help you.  What do you need?

Resources? Curriculum? A guest speaker (in person or via ZOOM)

We have curriculum and education and chapel videos that are free on our website.  But we’d also love to chat and see how we can help you.

Send us an email.


There is no point ignoring this. Yes, it seems to make some people uncomfortable, but the reality is that funding IS needed to make long-term change that will positively impact on the lives of children.

We have a new platform that gives you total control… You can decide what area you would like to fundraise for. You can create your own page + add your own images and send it to your friends.

Traditionally ZOE have found it difficult to fundraise and ‘market’ ourselves.  We get very busy running programs and helping children - so IF you are someone who LOVES to fundraise… THANK YOU.

Here is a toolkit to help you get started.


Prayer is something everyone can do! Would you start a prayer group? To help you get started, we would love to send you a free copy of the ZOE prayer booklet ‘A Call to Prayer.’ Just email us and we will get one to you!

Advocate for children

Will you use your voice to advocate for children? Can you share social media posts from ZOE Australia on your Facebook (link) or Instagram (link) feed?

Will you draw attention to this problem and advocate for change?

How can you create change in your area of influence?  

Download a toolkit with infographics, social media graphics, posters and links to video resources that you can start sharing. You can be the voice for a child who has been silenced.

Make ZOE your charity

Whether you are a business owner wanting to connect your business to a good cause or an individual who simply wants to do something to raise money, we would be grateful if you would choose ZOE as your charity. 

We’d love to connect with you to learn more about you and see how we could meaningfully engage with you and your staff. Please email us and we can have one of our team connect with you.

Have an idea that’s not listed here?

Get in touch with us and let us know what you plan to do! 

Published by: Andrea Cross in Uncategorized

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