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January 30, 2022 - No Comments!

To Do or Not to Do, That is the Question

So often when people hear about child trafficking for the first time, their disbelief is followed by the question, ‘What can I do?’ 

I have asked this question too, and whilst this seems like a practical response, maybe the question we should be asking ourselves is not only, ‘What can I do?’ but ‘Who can I be?’

When we ask what we can DO and there is no clear, straightforward, easy or immediate answer then the problem gets put into the “too hard”, “disbelief” or the “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” basket. 

And we end up finding something else to ‘do’ with our time. 

I would like to propose that if we made a commitment to developing who we want to ‘be’ - then the ‘doing’ part will follow naturally. 

We set goals in accordance with our values. For example, if I value being fit, I will make goals to go running or workout at the gym regularly during the week. 

If I value fairness, child safety, freedom… then I respond through my choices and actions. In response, I set goals to shop ethically, research before I purchase and learn about challenging situations where people are manipulated, exploited or controlled. I make decisions about what to ‘do’ underpinned by my values. 

Who I am impacts what I value, and what I ‘do’ is displayed in the way I live by those values. 

So what’s the answer to the question, What can I do to end child trafficking? I believe that will be determined by who you want to be! 

As each of us work towards becoming the person we want to be, our actions will follow! 

I want to be:

An influencer. I will use my voice to share what I know about child trafficking and make a positive difference in the world.

A conscious consumer. I will use the information available to make the most informed purchasing decisions I can.

An educator. I will understand and be able to explain to others what child trafficking is and how we have a shared responsibility to see it ended in our generation. 

An awareness raiser. I will use my sphere of influence to encourage others to be aware of the problem of child trafficking and challenge them to respond in a personal way.   

A volunteer. I will use my skills and talents to serve in any capacity needed to support and enhance the goals of the organisation

A child’s rights advocate. I will promote and defend children’s right to protection because of their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse. I will do everything I can so that children can grow up in a safe, healthy and positive environment.

A pray-er.  I will be quick to pray. I am moved by compassion and show love to the best of my ability, putting the needs of others above my own desires.

A donor.  I will use my finances to support and enhance the goal of ending child trafficking.

A supporter. I will promote the resources, curriculums and tools available to my circle of influence as well as attend as many events, updates and fundraisers that I am able to. 

Want to get in touch? You can email one of our team at: